Returning 2022

Returning Safely Together resources for students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Course General Info
- This is an in-person course that will meet on Mondays from 5:05 to 7: 35 pm – Room to be announced
- You will lead a discussion on a topic during class – oral presentation. This topic is based on the readings.
- You will present one of your lessons from your Final Project Unit.
Professor Teaching Course

Professor: J. Torres Arroyo
Email: [email protected]
Alt-Email: [email protected]
Google Voice: 201- 691-7248
Office Hours: 5-6 pm Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Course Learning Goals and Objectives
Students will understand and critique the varied philosophies, approaches, policies, and methods of teaching multi-lingual students while also engaging in the design and implementation of instructional materials that integrate content and language learning utilizing students’ rich linguistic diversity.
- To develop a critical understanding of multiple perspectives to challenge conventional narratives. Students will understand various theoretical frameworks reflecting on their implications and practical consequences for Puerto Rican/Latinx, Caribbean, and/or Latin Americas. Students will also be able to critiques concepts such as justice, rights, advocacy, and citizenship vis a vis Puerto Rican/Latinx communities, the Caribbean, and/or Latin America.
- To explore and develop leadership skills as it pertains to advocacy for all students, including Puerto Rican and Latinx communities. Students will demonstrate leadership and/or mentorship skills by organizing and facilitating workshops, activities, and/or class sessions.
Course Description
Development of English as a new language for emergent bilinguals and Latin@s in bilingual programs. Techniques for English oral language and literacy across content areas; first-and-second language acquisition and translanguaging theory application. Legal rights. Adapting teaching strategies and materials. Formative and summative assessments. Fieldwork.
Pre-requisites: English 1010 or permission of the chairperson.
Co-requisites: 28 hours of fieldwork.
Course themes
- Best practices in teaching ELLs
- Ways to approach reading instruction and structure lessons
- Ways to teach academic language and navigate informational text
- Strategies for learning ELLs background and engaging families